Program areas at Sharing Center
Two nutrition programs (food pantry, senior commodities) to 2500 people, distributed 457,210 pounds of food and hygiene items, and 710 senior supplemental meal boxes. This is achieved through direct donations from individuals, corporations, local governments, civic organizations, churches, and private and public grantors. Based on need, distribution is provided year-round in a nondiscriminatory, confidential, and equitable manner.
Advocacy and referrals for housing, homelessness, and domestic violence: provided 27,638 referrals to 4924 individuals seeking to locate supportive and crisis programs in a 6-county radius. This is achieved through direct donations from individuals, corporations, local governments, civic organizations, churches, and private and public grantors. Based on need, distribution is provided year-round in a nondiscriminatory, confidential, and equitable manner.
Four basic need child programs provided: 348 children with school supplies, backpacks, and clothing; 22,458 servings of child nutrition to 2292 students through two programs; and holiday gift packages to 616 children. This is achieved through direct donations from individuals, corporations, local governments, civic organizations, churches, and private and public grantors. Based on need, distribution is provided year-round in a nondiscriminatory, confidential, and equitable manner.