Program areas at SFL
Senegal program:shelter for Life International (sfl) has been working in the natural region of casamance (sedhiou, kolda, and ziguinchor) in senegal since 2012. As a result of a civil war of several decades which has occasionally overtaken capital and market development in this region. Sfl's work in casamance focuses on improving market connections, particularly in the cashew sector, and resettlement of families displaced by conflict. During the fy 2023, two projects have been still under implementation. One of the projects is lifft cashew which includes the following activities and outcomes: Shelter for Life is registered in senegal as non-profit ngo. As part of the lifft cashew project in senegal, during the fy'23, two (2) more new cooperatives were established, each receiving assistance in various aspects of the value chain including furnishing the offices of cooperatives (weighing machines, tricycles, motorbikes, printers, computers etc) through the grant fund. Additionally, all 8 cooperatives partnered with sfl received $5,000 each for the 2023 cashew campaign, totaling $40,000. To ensure good production and nut quality, 3,306 producers were trained in good agricultural practices, and 535 cashew seedlings imported from vietnam were distributed to various cooperatives. To promote group sales at the cooperative level, one warehouse with a capacity of 800 cubic meters was rehabilitated (an 83% increase), and another warehouse with a capacity of 720 cubic meters was built for the niassene cooperative (a 13% increase) in the lop target. 513 sfl supported farmer-producers who are partnering with scpl processors have been certified on organic cashew production. This certification was achieved through the assistance and collaboration provided to the processor by the sfl demonstrating its commitment to promoting organic products in the agriculture value chain. During the period, 363 people benefited from financial services, often as direct or indirect beneficiaries of grants made to cooperatives or as indirect beneficiaries of funds granted to processors by the cashew fund. These funds facilitated the collection of 597,9464.6 tons of cashew and fostered partnerships between beneficiary processors and cooperatives in the fatick area. Consultative meetings were held to discuss proposed incentives for the cashew value chain in senegal. These measures aim to boost cashew production, competitiveness, and value chain development in the country. Also, sfl thought the cashew fund component, provided assistance to 3 processors during the cashew season with operational capital to enable them for purchase and process of cashew products. In addition to that, with the involvement of licensed consultants, provided support for obtaining haccp certifications processes. Sfl, through its lifft cashew project team, continues to assist processors and producers in senegal, the gambia and guinea-bissau with organic certification audits, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and facilitating market access for organic products.a second project, funded by the u.s. department of state, bureau of population, refugees and migration, aims to initiate and facilitate a explicable process for the return of displaced populations to their communities of origin. Since 2018, sfl has facilitated the construction of 1,450 durable shelters, built 1,600 latrines and constructed and installed 53 drinking water wells. Since 2021, sfl has also distributed 600 hygiene kits to returnee families. In 2023, sfl assisted 300 families in the construction of their shelters, each of these families benefited from a latrine; 15 new water wells were built to facilitate their access to drinking water. These 300 households also received hygiene kits and hand-washing stations. Project beneficiaries are selected from among the most vulnerable families of former refugees and internally displaced populations, who have returned to their home villages in casamance. The project has had a direct impact on more than 17,500 people in southern casamance, the southern region of senegal. Guinea bissau programshelter for Life International began working in guinea bissau in 2019. Following years of political instability and internal conflict, guinea bissau's economy has stagnated. Guinea bissau is one of the major cashew producers in the in west africa, and the quality of its cashews is considered more desirable in global markets, but because it is considered a fragile state, the country has had difficulty attracting investment in the harvesting, processing, and trade of cashews to global markets. Almost 60% of cashew nuts production countess to guinea bissau within segabi region. Sfl's work in guinea bissau is part of its regional cashew value chain program, funded by the u.s. department of agriculture. During the fiscal year 2023, a total of 20,244 cubic meters of infrastructure (storage space) were rehabilitated in guinea-bissau as part of efforts to enhance the cashew value chain. A business-to-business (b2b) event was organized to facilitate collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the industry. Financial services received a boost with the disbursement of $1,000,000 from the cashew funds to two processors in guinea-bissau. These investments, along with pee-financing arrangements between processors and cooperatives, resulted in the procurement of 61,964.42 metric tons of cashews by the processors from producer cooperatives supported by sfl. This achievement represents 103% of the fy2023 target. Additionally, 461 individuals have benefited from financial services facilitated by sfl, achieving 73% of the lop target, while 181 individuals received training in financial management, reaching an achievement rate of 91%. Furthermore, four new cooperatives were established in 2023, joining the existing nine. All cooperatives received grants for office equipment and supplies. Moreover, 2,460 producers trained by sfl have implemented good cooperative management practices, achieving 76% of the annual target and exceeding the lop target by 264%. In terms of improving nut quality and productivity, 5,167 producers were trained in guinea-bissau, achieving 115% of the annual target and 123% of the lop. Additionally, 5,577 producers have implemented these practices on 16,962.60 hectares of land, reaching 93% of the annual target and 139% of the lop.
Afghanistan program: Shelter for Life International is being working in afghanistan since 1998 with a primary focus of restoring the lives of the victims of the country's wars and disasters and rebuilding their communities. Most of the communities where sfl operates are internally displaced populations, returned refugees and those affected by natural disasters during the years. During the years 2023 sfl worked in the provinces of badakhshan, takhar, balkh, jowzjan, sur -e pol, faryab, ghazni, and kabul. To restore food and agriculture sectors' productivity, restore and preserve soil quality in farming communities, and reduce the impact of natural disasters, particularly landslides, floods, anddrought-affectedd populations. Sfl implemented the following projects/ activities for mentioned period:1. Irrigation canal improvement: altogether 7 km of irrigation canal expanded/ improved, along with 14 meters of wash culvert, 450 meters rcc ditch, 9 meters rcc culvert,155 meters stone masonry ditch, 127 meters stone masonry retianing wall, these activities provided much-needed management of water, so as to provide local communities and farmers with access to more irrigation purposes. Additionally, the project prevents or eliminates soil degradation, floods, and negative environmental impact.2. Drr structure/ flood speed breaker (terrace excavation and muddy water pond: altogether 620 units of new terraces (20x3 meter), and 145 units of muddy water ponds with dimention of (9x6x2.5) meter have been excavated in targeted districts of badakhshan and ghazani provinces. These activities protect against the destruction of the canal and improve the ground water table and protect against soil erosion during the seasonal flooding time.3. Income generating activities/ livelihoods projects: sfl established 80 units of fruit orchards and supported 80 most vulnerable men households to provide men an opportunity to assist in their communities in badakhshan, takhar and ghazni provinces. During the project period the selected male beneficiaries received technical training from sfl agronomist on fruit orchards managment activities. Additionally, these men were provided with fruit orchards management fruit saplings and working tools. These men realize improved the economic condition of their families through the plantation, consumption, and sale of a variety of fruit products in near future which planted in fruit orchards.4. Forestation/ tree plantation: sfl planted 14,846 units of fruit and non-fruit trees along the new trench terraces, fruit orchards and irrigation canal in badakhshan, takhar and ghazni provinces. The plantation of furit and non-fruit trees helped to protect and preserve the environment and raised the level of underground water, moreover, raised the level of housholds economy by selling the trees production in market and for their own consumpation. 5. Livelihood activities (staplashment of nurseries, houses gardens): 1. 2 units of nurseries in 2,000m2 land. 2. 100 units of house gardening 3. 10 units of ferula (hing) nurseries in 500m2 land 4. 100 units of fodder field for alfafla product in 10,000m2 of land established in badakhshan and ghazni provinces. These activities were specifically allocated for women beneficiaries. These activities caused to iimprovementthe overall quality of living conditions of the targeted population in the targeted area.6. Small agriculture market systems (sams) wheat value chain: basic training on improved wheat seeds cultivation method, post-harvest, and marketing training conducted to 250 smallholder cooperative farmers under sams projects in badakhshan and ghazni provinces. Additionally, all targeted farmers received altogether (12.5 mt) of certified wheat seeds and (12.5 mt dap, and 25 mt of urea fertilizers. During the project period. Basic technical training on cultivation methods focusing on best agronomic practices to avoid damage of crops from pests and disease, proper harvest methodologies and avoiding losses provided to the targeted farmers.7. Construction of new rural road: sfl has constructed 5.5 km new rural road at the targeted district of badakhshan province, construction of this road caused to connect morethan 900 families from villages to the market, schools, health services and other social services points. Now the farmers can easily deliver their agricatural products to markets. And villagers have access to the other services points. The construction of mentioned road positively affected on people's livelihood and food security.8. Vocational skills training: sfl addressed the issues of joblessness and lack of skills training amongh the most vulnerable men/boys and women/grils in faiz abad and ghazni provinces. Altogahter 160 men and 290 woemn were trained on tailoring, balocho embriodery, raghza weaving, engraving, bag making, jewelry, mobile repairing, motorcycle repairing and metal working programs under vocational skills training activity. After completion of the vst programs the students will be self-sufficient and through learned skills supports their families fincially. 9. Emergency project - distribution of food and cbt: over 218,418 households under the emergency project (unconditional seasonal support food project) received mixed food and cash based transfer (cbt). Food items inclueds (wheat flour, cooking oil, pulses, salt, and nutration food (plumpy and super cereal for children under 5 y and pragnat mothers). And distribution of these food items improved food security levels among women, men, girls, and boys during the lean season.
The gambia program: sfl successfully completed the re-registration process sfl as a non-profit non-governmental organization (ngo) and obtained its certificate (earlier according to the gambian law it was registered as charity organization, because eligibility for ngo status requires two years of having charity organization). To measure the impact of the road construction implemented by sfl, an evaluation was conducted which showed significant improvements in road traffic volumes on road n1 experiencing a 251% increase and road n3 seeing a 107% increase. This improvement increased access to the market for the producers, positively impacting their economic growth. Additionally, a storage warehouse with a capacity of 1,440 cubic meters was constructed through a grant fund. Access to financial services was enhanced, through seed fund provided to cooperatives benefiting 500 beneficiaries, either through credit scoring (zero interest) or job creation. Financial management training was provided to 39 cooperative managers and members. Sfl organized various b2b meetings through a number of events for producers and buyers both for raw cashew nuts and kernel. The business-to-business (b2b) initiatives facilitated transactions, resulting in the sale of 2,925.71 tons of raw cashew nuts (rcn) for $1,901,244.92. Sfl through its partnership with the african cashew alliance (aca) co-financed the annual african cashew conference in september 2023 that has involved over 500 stakeholders including producers, processors, buyers, scientists, ministries, International donor agencies, and others. Sfl conducted a national steering committee meeting, pursued the introduction of the warehouse receipt system, recruited a consultant for a diagnostic study on cross-border rcn trade, organized a trade facilitation meeting, and is supporting the review and update of the gambia cooperative act. Additionally. 1,500 producers were trained in good agricultural practices, leading to 2,644 applying these practices across 8,553.36 hectares to improve nut quality and cashew nut productivity. Sfl has initiated a new project in the gambia called climate resilient optimization for productivity in horticulture (crop-h), funded by usda's food for progress program. The project aims to improve climate-smart horticulture practices and expand trade opportunities for gambian farmers for period of five years. The main goals are to increase agricultural productivity and output of horticultural products, expand and enhance the quality of horticulture exports, create employment opportunities for youth and women in the sector, and improve incomes and living standards for smallholder horticulture farmers. The project will implement 8 activities through three components: component (1) focuses on increasing horticultural productivity and markets, including infrastructure, production techniques, and bio-fortified crops; component (2) aims to build farmer associations and cooperatives to strengthen producer groups; component (3) is focused on improving market access and compliance through trade enabling environment and sanitary and phytosanitary standards. While still in its initial stages, the project has made significant progress in establishing its groundwork for activities. Key progress highlights include the recruitment of of several project positions, completion of the vehicle procurement process, drafting and submission of data collection tools and reference sheets for project monitoring to the donor, and conducting meetings with various stakeholders including the ministry of trade, ministry of agriculture (directions of agriculture, horticulture, cooperative development, marketing federations, processing companies' initiation of farmer organizations assessment.