Program areas at Shepherd Center
In reference to the provision of patient care services, Shepherd Center is dedicated to helping people who have experienced catastrophic injury or disease rebuild their lives with hope, dignity, and independence, advocating for their full inclusion in all aspects of community life. In the last fiscal year, Shepherd Center incurred expenses to provide services for 958 inpatient admissions, 49,317 inpatient days, 55,774 day patient visits, and 81,940 outpatient visits.
With regard to research activity, Shepherd Center is a site for leading-edge research and provides important outcomes tracking that help shape the face of rehabilitation in the united states. Our vision is to be a Center of excellence in patient care, participating in research that will achieve the highest outcomes and improve the lives of our patients and families.
Because of the generous financial support of the community, Shepherd Center is able to provide many community funded services that are not available in other hospitals. Shepherd Center offers services such as family housing and training, expanded therapeutic recreation services, assistive technology and adaptive equipment, vocational training, as well as medical care for patients without the ability to pay for these services.