Program areas at Shower the People
We provided access to 1,346 showers in 2023. We held Shower services at seven different sites around nashville.
For our laundry programs, there was a 272% surge in completed laundry loads, totaling 2,727 loads. Notably, 647 loads were specifically designated to support families in need, resulting in substantial savings of $6,470 and 1,294 hours of time. In november 2023, we joined forces with nashville launch pad, supporting their youth winter shelter with essential laundry services.
At our Shower service, we provide everything folks need to shower-on-site. We provide our guests with a "take-with-them" kit to meet their hygienic needs when they do not have access to our Shower bus. These kits include new underwear, socks, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. This year we distributed a total of 100,053 hygiene items. Within this, 32,953 items were provided through our Shower program, while 67,100 items reached individuals through our community and organizational outreach initiatives.