Program areas at Sima Studios
Sima's fiscal sponsorship program allows us to elevate projects in all stages of development, productionpostproductiondistribut... and impact campaigns,helping creators and creative activists who may ohterwise not be able to secure the funding they need to see their projects financed, finished, and unleashed to have impact.
Sima classroom is our diverse and expansive "netflix for changemakers", offering an unprecedent collection of contemporary current affairs media that give students a first-person insight into the pulse, the people, and the movements behind today's global issues, taking them from empathy and critical thinking to action.
Since 2012, the annual social impact media awards have set new standards of creativity and integrity in social impact,storytelling,honoring eye opening documentary filmmaking and vr experiences that exemplify excellence in their potential to inspire social change.each year,projects are selected from over 140 countries around the world, competing for awards, cash prizes, media features,and entry into Sima's impact distribution channels.
Grants and other assistance to domestic individuals; salaries, employees benefits, insurance, payroll tax, it consulting fees, bank fees, merchant fees, dues and subcriptions and mis office expenses