Program areas at Small Business Majority
Outreach, Education & Advocacy - We conduct outreach from our offices in Washington, DC, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, and New Mexico, with a focus on serving the needs of small business owners who face systemic barriers including women, people of color, immigrants, and those operating in rural areas. We provide a suite of educational programs and resources to empower entrepreneurs to start and grow their enterprises and maximize their economic prosperity on topics like access to responsible capital, healthcare and other essential benefits, and level playing field. Furthermore, we provide small business owners opportunities to advocate for public policy changes in these areas that advance entrepreneurship. Our network is comprised of 85,000 small business owners and more than 1,500 business organizations. Our work is guided by national and state small business councils of active small business owners.
Research - We conduct wide-ranging research to understand small business owners' needs, challenges, and opportunities. Focused on uncovering the perspectives of businesses owned by people of color, women, and other under-resourced entrepreneurs, we communicate our findings to policymakers, the media, and other stakeholders. Our research products include scientific opinion polling, internal network surveys, focus groups, and roundtable discussions. We work with academic and other research institutions to aggregate and synthesize data to better understand the challenges faced by under-resourced entrepreneurs and assess the benefit of public policies and targeted resource interventions.
Communications - We communicate our message to policymakers and the media via extensive public relations efforts targeting mainstream electronic, print, and online media. Our work includes one-on-one communication with reporters, press releases, op-eds, letters to the editor, multiple web sites, a bi-weekly newsletter, and daily communication via a host of social media channels.