Program areas at Smart Business Resource Center
The organization provided workforce services to unemployed or underemployed adults age 18 and older. Services include, in part, labor market information, skill assessment, job search and placement assistance. Intensive and training services are available to eligible individuals who have not been able to obtain or keep employment. Training is based upon labor market research and training options available on the ncen eligible training provider's list.
The organization provided workforce services to youth aged 16-24. Eligible youth must be low income, and meet at least one of six specific barriers to employment. The program emphasizes services for out-of-school youth that include attainment of basis skills competencies and offers opportunities for academic and occupational training and exposure to the job market and employment. Youths receive instruction lending to completion of ged, tutoring, work experience, mentoring, and comprehensive guidance and counseling.
The organization provided workforce services to dislocated workers age 18 and older who have been terminated from their last employment and are unlikely to return to their previous Industry or occupation. Displaced homemakers and self-employed individuals also qualify for these services. Services include, in part, labor market information, skill assessment, job search, and placement assistance. Intensive training services are available to eligible individuals who have not been able to obtain or keep employment. Training is based upon labor market research and training options available on the ncen eligible training provider's list.
Rapid response and layoff aversion services to businesses and workers experiencing job losses due to layoff or company closure with information and assistance to help alleviate the economic and unemployment distress resulting from these employment actions. The organization brings services to the workplace and assists with outplacement. State grant funded through the workforce innovation and opportunity act for recently released justice involved individuals. This program is employment focused, and provides assistance to job seekers in securing recent work experience based on interests, aspirations and willingness to learn new skills. Employers may benefits through partial wage reimbursements for on the job trainings, full wage reimbursements for work experiences, and potential work opportunity tax credits. National emergency grants to support carr fire cleanup and repair, august 2020 fire cleanup and repair, and sepember 2020 fire cleanup and repair. Grants include funds for repair from the severe winter storm of 2019 and and national emergency grants to to provide covid emergency assistance and supportive services national emergency grants to support carr fire cleanup and repair as well as clean up and repair from the severe winter storm of 2019, and national emergency grants to combat the opioid crisis, and covid emergency assistance and supportive services. American rescue plan act funded through Shasta County in support of economic recovery from the covid-19 pandemic. Services include job search, placement and training assistace for job seekers in Shasta County. Trinity County expanded subsidized employment program. The organization provides workforce services for individuals currently receiving tanf support through trinity County. Services include skills assessment, job search and placement assistance. Organization works with del norte County office of education to facilitate a 7 week readiness skills development training program for high school students and recent graduates with relevant career exploration opportunites, and work based experiences to bridge the gap between academics, job readiness and Industry skills.