Program areas at SGCC
Research:in 2023, secc released three pieces of research and three companion white papers seeking to better understand Smart Energy consumers their perceptions, attitudes and needs and then leverage this understanding to formulate actions that utilities and other Energy service providers can take to better serve and engage with their customers. In addition, secc produced four customer engagement case studies that profiled how Energy utilities in the u.s. are making significant strides in educating and engaging their customers about how to better control their Energy use, the resulting utility costs and the benefits of shifting their consumption. All of these resources were put together by a volunteer-based research committee consisting of members who helped shape secc's research agenda, reviewed detailed findings and discussed the implications and presentation of those findings.secc released the most current version of its annual 2023 state of the Consumer report, a meta-analysis of secc's 2022 research agenda that provides six big-picture themes on the needs and wants of today's Energy consumers. The report highlights that today's consumers are ready to take action to meet decarbonization goals. However, more support is needed to help all consumers gain equitable access to clean Energy opportunities. The 2023 state of the Consumer report is designed to help industry stakeholders including utilities, Consumer advocates, solution providers and regulators better understand today's consumers and develop programs, services and technologies that meet their needs more effectively.secc released its renewables: engaging consumers in the clean Energy transition report seeks to uncover the communications and engagement strategies needed to help consumers understand what it takes to transition to renewables (i.e., community solar, rooftop solar, wind Energy and hydropower). Based on an online survey of 2,000 americans who are responsible for making energy-related decisions at home, the report explores consumers' familiarity and concerns with renewable Energy, their awareness and support for clean Energy targets, their willingness to pay more for 100-percent renewable Energy and more. The report closes with an analysis of the renewable Energy messaging that resonates with consumers and an overview of the types of engagement strategies that can be effective with secc's three "middle-ground" Consumer segments, the connected pragmatists, simply sustainable and trusting traditionalists.secc released its electrification at home and on the road report which explores consumers' awareness, interests and concerns related to electrifying their homes (space heating, cooking and water heating) and owning and operating an electric vehicle (ev). Based on an online survey of 1,500 consumers (plus an additional sample of 621 current ev drivers), the report first covers consumers' awareness of electric alternatives at home and what would encourage them to move away from fossil fuels for the purposes of space heating, cooking (specifically induction cooktops) and water heating. Moving to transportation electrification, the second half of the report provides an updated profile of today's ev drivers and findings on where consumers (both ev owners and the general population) typically look for information on evs, what they think about public charging stations and more. Finally, the report looks at the synergy between electric vehicles, rooftop solar and home electrification before closing with four recommendations for electricity providers and other industry stakeholders that may advance the march toward an electric future.finally, secc released four new customer engagement success stories covering cobb emc, Energy united electric membership corporation (emc), london hydro, and Tennessee valley authority (tva). Each case study spotlights their pilot programs from solar education strategy that included a comprehensive social media campaign, a revamp of their solar webpages, educational short-form videos, to a program that engages cooperative members in reducing Energy consumption during peak periods, saving the entire cooperative money in the process. They highlighted pilots that personalized calculator tool that takes actual customer data and delivers personalized cost comparisons to aid in decision-making and a small business uplift program to bring transformative, valuable Energy efficiency solutions to small businesses in underserved communities.
Collaboration:during 2023, secc continued to maintain its unique membership base, including technology vendors and consultants, Energy providers and affiliates, and added ten new members indicating the value in the research and educational materials produced as well as the collaboration facilitated. Secc presented at 24 conferences and workshops, in person and virtual, across the country. To further the reach of secc's research and educational materials, secc released 33 media centered press releases. In addition, secc was featured in over 3 articles in trade media.secc continued to collaborate among stakeholders including issuing a monthly e-newsletter and nine additional president's post blog posts from secc's president & ceo nathan shannon on topics what do consumers think about public ev charging. Secc continued a consistent social media presence on twitter, facebook, linkedin and youtube. Throughout 2023, secc also continued the weekly above the fold, a newsletter that kept members and non-members abreast of Smart Energy and Consumer industry news and trends.secc also hosted two conferences in 2023 including the annual Consumer symposium, empowering consumers through the Energy transition, open to the public and a virtual, members meeting & fall workshop where members focused on discussing the most pertinent issues in Smart Energy today and planning future secc initiatives for 2022. Both events featured a diverse group of stakeholders and many engaging panels. In support of secc's research releases, secc provided publicly available research brief webinars covering each study including the 2023 state of the Consumer, alleviating americans' Energy burdens, cooling high summer electric bills and extreme weather and power outages. Each webinar provided topic-oriented experts speaking to the findings of research and its implications as well as action steps for opportunities within the industry. Additionally, speakers answered questions and engaged in discussion about each topic.
Education:in 2023, secc continued to produce educational resources and increase learning opportunities. Through a volunteer-based education and outreach committee, members worked together to improve Consumer awareness and understanding of modernized electrical systems by recognizing Smart Energy success, expanding available resources to stakeholders and amplifying the Smart Energy benefits message to consumers nationwide.secc continued a best practices awards program that identified leadership from Energy providers shifting toward a more consumer-focused Energy ecosystem. The fifth annual edition of the awards identified six winners hydro one, avangrid, pseg long island, nb power, comed ,and dominion Energy. They were each recognized at the 2023 Consumer symposium in san diego, ca. The awards program focuses on real-life examples of customer engagement and education success and highlights a blueprint for other electricity providers (and their industry partners) to follow.secc also hosted a series of nine free peer connect webinars concerning topics ranging from 2023 best practices awards, alleviating americans' Energy burdens, extreme weather and power outages: communicating with customers. Each webinar covered Smart Energy and Consumer related topics featuring speakers from stakeholders with expertise in that specific subject. Additionally, speakers answered questions and engaged in discussion about each topic.utilizing the six themes from the 2023 state of the Consumer report, secc published an in-depth secc's advancing a smarter Energy future for all white paper white paper that highlights successful utility programs and services for residential and small business 2023, the education & outreach committee continued with its toolkit approach, producing multiple resources under a common theme to maximize the reach and usefulness of the educational materials for members. The education committee completed its "extreme weather and power outages: communicating with customers", infographic that reveals insights for electricity providers on how to best communicate with consumers during power outages and help them better prepare for potential outages and extreme weather.secc continued enhancing materials on its consumer-facing website, The website reorganized further its ability to make it easier for consumers to find relevant content on electric vehicles, renewable Energy, the Smart grid and more. Secc also engaged with consumers on a variety of platforms daily; largely through twitter and facebook with multiple postings a day including both original content from the blogs or pertinent news articles about the shifting world of Energy.