Program areas at Smart Start Rowan
North carolina pre-kindergartengoal 5: to successfully administer the north carolina pre-kindergarden program, which is a state funded, high quality pre-kindergarten educational program designed to enhance school readiness and prepare four-year-olds for kindergarten.objective 1: 95% of families receiving ncpk services and responding to a survey will report that they strongly agree or agree that they feel their child is better prepared for kindergarten after participating in the nc pre-k program.stats: 315 children were served through the nc pre-k program across 18 sites and 27 classrooms.
Family supportgoal 3: expand the family support options available to parents in Rowan county.objective 1: the majority of parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 in Rowan county who choose to participate in a parenting seminar/class/session sponsored by Smart Start Rowan will feel that the program helped them deal more effectively with their child's behavior.objective 2: the majority of parents who voluntarily participate in a parent/child playgroup activity sponsored by Smart Start Rowan will indicate improvement in the following parenting areas: 1) "i understand what to expect from children at different ages; 2) "i give the child in my care opportunities to learn and try new things; and 3) "i talk or share ideas about caring for children with another adult. "stats:- 112 parent/caregivers participated in family support programs, including one-on-one and group parenting support, as well as parent/child playgroups- 6,685 children received books through our dolly parton's imagination library program- 381 participants attended 4 large parent-child interactive community events hosted by Smart Start Rowan
Child care & education affordabilitygoal 1: to continue to partner with Rowan county department of social services to assist with child care subsidy funding and implementation.objective 1: increase in average star ratings of subsidized child placements in regulated child care programs.objective 2: increase in the percentage of low-income children receiving subsidy in regulated child care programs.stats: - from 2002 - present, the percent of children enrolled in 4-or-5-star child care facilities has increased from 34% to 85%- from 2022 - present, the average star rating for children enrolled in 1-5-star licensed child care has increase from 2.98 to 4.63.- 101 children received Smart Start child care subsidy assistance through Rowan county department of social services.- 17 licensed facilities/family child care homes, all 4 or 5 stars, received monetary enhancements for participation in our star license enhancement (child care quality enhancement) activity.
Child care & education quality goal 2: maintain and further improve the quality of child care in Rowan county.objective 1: ninety percent (90%) of child care professionals participating in a training and technical assistance program sponsored by Smart Start Rowan will indicate that the services provided by that activity increased their knowledge of effective strategies and assisted them in making positive changes in their classrooms.objective 2: of the child care facilities that receive on-site technical assistance to increase star ratings, the average star rating after technical assistance began versus before it began will either be maintained or improves, based on a dcdee assessment conducted during the fiscal year.objective 3: of child care providers surveyed making use of the early learning resource center, most will indicate that the center has provided resources that enhance the quality of care in their classroom, as well as knowledge about Smart Start funded programs. Of families surveyed making use of the early learning resource center, most will report an increase in knowledge of developmentally appropriate activities to do with their child, as well as knowledge about Smart Start funded programs.stats:- 55 child care facilities/family child care homes received technical assistance- 201 technical assistance opportunities were provided to early childhood professionals- 57 training/workshops were offered to early childhood professionals- 84 early childhood professionals from 10 facilities received higher education advising- 21 child care facilities/family child care homes utilized our in-house early learning resource center
Health 7 safetygoal 4: improve the health of expecting mothers and children from birth to age five in Rowan county.objective 1: healthcare providers served by Smart Start Rowan activities will sustain a developmental screening rate of over ninety percent (90%) of all children seen by their practice.objective 2: 90% of families will indicate increased confidence in meeting their child's health services needs or that prenatal health services benefitted their family.stats:- 6 medical practices, including the Rowan county health department, participated in child health and wellness programs that served over 8,400 children- 30 medical practitioners, trained in the reach out & read program, prescribed books to children for parents to read at home- 133 uninsured/underinsured pregnant women were seen during 485 prenatal visits at the Rowan county health department- 59 children received a development screening as part of their well child check up at the Rowan county health department- 68/68 children that received development screenings through our assuring better child health and development program received an appropriate referral