Program areas at SRA
Smith River Restoration Projects: SRA works with landowners on the Smith Coastal Plain, Elk Creek and East Fork Mill Creek to identify and advance opportunities to improve and restore ecosystem function and habitat for the viability of the Smith River salmonids. SRA is implementing restoration plans supported by recent salmonid monitoring data, historic and present-day aerial imagery, fish passage data, topographic information, and landowner and stakeholder engagement to identify and prioritize potential restoration projects. We have a number of projects that are ongoing.
SRNRA Wildlands protection and stewardship: SRA is a leader in the campaign to expand protection for the headwaters of the Smith in OR. The Smith River, one of the crown jewels of the National Wild and Scenic River System has over 300 miles of the Smith included in the National Wild and Scenic River System, created to protect outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural or other similar values, for preservation in a free-flowing condition. SRA continued work with the Smith River NRA Collaborative, a joint venture between the Six Rivers National Forest, Elk Valley Rancheria, the Tolowa Deeni Nation, Del Norte County, Del Norte Fire Safe Council, local and regional groups. These partners advance forest and aquatic restoration and management on the Smith NRA.
Coastal Programs: The Pacific Shores Preacquisition Feasibility Study is underway which will acquire properties from willing sellers in the Pacific Shores subdivision in Del Norte County. Pacific Shores is a 1,535-lot subdivision, undeveloped and sold in the 1960s. The subdivision lies adjacent to Lakes Earl and Tolowa, four miles north of Crescent City, in the Smith River plain. SRA is also working to complete planning for an extension of the Coastal Trail at Pt. St. George. In addition, the program works to provide public access to and clean-ups of the coast.