Program areas at SCAI
As the only interventional cardiology Society in the us, scai is dedicated to equipping you with tools and resources to succeed and deliver top-notch care to improve the patient experience.
Scai's fellows courses teach future generations of interventional cardiologists the knowledge and skills they need for post-fellowship practice. The course will provide an engaging, informal, and relaxing environment in which cardiology fellows in training can interact with international recognized faculty. Attendees of the course will gain an in-depth knowledge of indications, techniques and expected outcomes for interventional cardiac, carotid, and endovascular procedures. The program represents aa variety of clinical case-based content as well as material of immediate value to attendees as they plan their post-fellowship practices. Scai fellows courses gives the opportunity to learn from the very best clinical faculty.
The scientific sessions meeting is an extraordinary gathering of Cardiovascular experts that come together to share best practices and clinical techniques, learn about the latest industry trends and network with their peers. The event is unique to any other because of its comprehensive and unbiased programming. A distinguished faculty conducts a three-day program that includes live cases, featured speakers, case reviews, lectures, interactive discussions, abstract presentations, poster sessions and more.
Scai shock:scai shock meeting is a step-by-step guide to building a contemporary cardiogenic shock program led by a multi-disciplinary team of seasoned leaders, each with a wealth of experience running and participating in cardiogenic shock programs.journal:the journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (jscai) focuses on scai's latest clinical consensus and guideline documents, academic research, editorials, study designs, reviews, meta-analyses, hemodynamic pearls, imaging and case reports, interventional techniques and innovation and research letters.ecrgs:the early career research grants will be offered by scai as a member service to foster and stimulate new research ideas in any area of investigation related to interventional cardiology. The program targets junior-level investigators (i.e., within ten years of completing interventional cardiology fellowship) by funding proposals that demonstrate a high likelihood of resulting in new and innovative approaches in any area of interventional research.webinars:scai's online learning center enables you to learn what, when, and where you want. Scai offers course content for each of the interventional cardiology subspecialties, professional development, and quality improvement.ebooks:scai's ebook collection comprises peer-reviewed clinical information tailored for Cardiovascular teams committed to optimizing patient care. Our ebooks provide access to cutting-edge, practical knowledge on performing and utilizing devices for specific procedures. They feature case examples, illustrations, and instructional technique videos to enhance understanding and skill development.