Program areas at Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Siam's publications are a means of meeting one of the primary objectives for organizing the Society: to provide media for the exchange of information and ideas between mathematicians and other scientists. Siam's journal program produces 18 quality, peer-reviewed journals that are respected and highly cited throughout the Applied Mathematics and computational science community. Siam publishes approximately 20 high-quality books a year by authors who are experts in their field, making relevant research results accessible to industry and science while also promoting the interaction between Mathematics and other disciplines such as engineering, science, and computing. Siam news, published 10 times per year, is the news journal reporting on issues and developments affecting the Applied and computational Mathematics community. Siam also publishes undergraduate research online (siuro), an open-access publication for undergraduates.
Through siam membership, individuals participate in the international community of over 14,300 mathematicians, computer scientists, numerical analysts, engineers, statisticians, physicists, educators, and students from 103 countries supporting the profession and advancing the fields of Applied Mathematics and computational science. Membership allows both professionals and students the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with peers, visibility in the Applied science, Mathematics, and computational science communities, access to cutting-edge research, and the opportunity to serve on siam committees to help guide the future of Applied Mathematics and computational science.
Siam's conference program provides members and attendees with a broad view of the state-of-the-art in Applied Mathematics and computational science. Through invited presentations, prize lectures, minisymposia, mini-tutorials, contributed papers, and posters, members are able to join their peers and leading experts in the field to exchange ideas and to expand their personal and professional networks. Siam holds ten to twelve conferences each year, each focused on timely topics in Applied Mathematics and computational science. The work at these conferences helps demonstrate that many societal problems can be solved through various methods of Applied Mathematics and computational science. Siam offers travel support for students through siam student travel awards to attend the conferences.
Other programs include the m3 challenge, which is an Applied Mathematics competition for high school students and other programs to support students and early career Applied mathematicians.