Program areas at Society for MINING METALLURGY AND Exploration
The minexchange 2023 sme annual conference & expo returned to the Colorado convention center in denver, co, february 26 - march 1, 2023. There were 600+ presentations, 5 short courses, 59 papers, 102 sponsors, and 585 exhibiting companies. Over 6,400 individuals were in attendance, including 600 students and 824 international attendees from 38 countries. Retc 2023 was june 11-14, 2023, in boston, ma. The event was attended by over 1,400 individuals. In addition to a short course, the technical program featured 98 presentations. To support the event, there were 209 exhibit booths and 28 sponsoring companies. The 2023 Minnesota conference was again up in the iron range in northern Minnesota. It took place april 17-19, 2023, at the iron trail motors event center in Virginia, mn. The conference was attended by 875 individuals and featured two days of programming with a field trip to a local Mining operation. There were 154 booths and 33 sponsoring companies.
During 2023 the Mining engineering website published industry news on a daily basis and delivered each issue to members anywhere in the world as a pdf and in flipbook formats. Clients also expanded digital advertising opportunities through Mining engineering online, the sme website, client-provided content, sme e-news, and Mining engineering digital newsletter options.
Members are the heart of sme, contributing technical knowledge, talent and volunteer resources to help the organization advance. Sme ended 2023 with 13,622 members. International members made up 25% of total membership. Sme has 48 local sections, including 42 in the united states plus 6 international sections. One new student chapter was formed in 2023, bringing the total number of student chapters to 77.
Sme provides educational support in the form of scholarships and other continuing education support.