Program areas at Society of Friendly Sons of St Patr in the County of Westchester
the Society donates the funds raised from their annual dinner to organizations that will use them for worthy causes. the board of director's meet annualy after their annual dinner to nominate organizations that they believe are worthy of the Society's donation. the board then votes on which nominated organizations will receive funding for the year. This year, donations were made to 23 worthy organizations as well as 8 food pantries in local areas of need.
An annual memorial mass is held at St. joseph's church in bronxville, new york. This mass honors our deceased members as well as our patron saint. the names of all of the Society's deceased members are inscribed in the necrology which is placed in the center aisle in front of the alter.
the membership of all committees are appointed annually by the chairman and ratified by the board of stewards. Annually, the committee on charities allocates a certain dollar amount to the almoner, who is elected by the general membership annually, to distribute to individuals in an emergent need situation in his sole discretion. Examples include, victims of fire, flooding, domestic violence, food or housing insecurity and alike. A recap report of the funds expended is presented to the board of stewards. An almoner's committee is an advisory group, comprised of members, who are well connected in the community and bring individual situational needs to the attention of the almoner. in the 2023 fiscal year, 5,000 was provided to the almoner who in turn provided 4,500 in relief in grants to 9 individuals that had extraordinary needs.
the members meet annually for a black-tie fundraiser dinner to raise money to donate to worthy causes. Commemorative medallions are purchased and sold to members to wear during the organization's events.