Program areas at SHAPE
Government grants: represents revenue and costs associated with grants to improve and promote Physical education, Physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
National convention: provides continuing education and networking opportunities for attendees. Encourages the exchange of diverse opinions and provides opportunities to review the latest equipment and resource tools available to the professions we serve. Offering hundreds of programs and events, the convention provides the opportunity to connect with other professionals, enhance skills and knowledge, exchange experiences, and strengthen the profession. Program offerings strengthen the skills of veterans and future professionals alike, as well as providing continuing education credits.
Membership programs: includes various programs to enhance member and non-member professionals in Physical education, school-based Health education, and Physical activity. Major activities include membership services, affiliate services, member communications (newsletters, web communications, social media communications, etc.) Providing the latest news affecting the disciplines we serve; connection to the professional community of experts and practitioners; and member directed marketing.
Periodicals: represents costs incurred to produce, edit, print, and design the various journals of Shape America. These journals address the needs of Health and Physical Educators, provide the latest research findings on exercise and sport and Health, and provide practical information and ideas that work for sport, Health and Physical Educators of all levels. Expenses: 322,614 including grants of 0 public education programs: represents Health. Moves. Minds, an educational service-learning program focused on core areas related to Health and wellness. Expenses: 301,997 including grants of 61,706 public relations and outreach: costs incurred to advocate for effective Physical education and school Health education programs and policies. Expenses: 179,299 including grants of 8,035 other programs: Shape America provides various programs to enhance member and non-member professionals in areas including development and dissemination of best practices and national standards for Physical education, school-based Health education, and Physical activity. Research and awards: represents funds received and used to support programs research and communicate critical issues in the Health and Physical education fields and to provide awards for outstanding service. Publications and products: represents revenue and costs to prepare and sell professional education publications and online courses providing professional development, continuing education, and dissemination of national standards. Expenses: 285,167 including grants of 22,275 other meeting events: represents revenue and costs to provide scholarly presentations, student and other leadership training, and other professional education programs including ongoing professional development and continuing education through conference, seminars, workshops, and webinars. Expenses: 85,851 including grants of 0