Program areas at Society of St Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Worcester
Rental assistance - we provide direct payments to landlords for individuals and families to obtain apartments or stay in their current homes and stop the eviction process. This fiscal year we helped 450 families.
Food assistance - we provide food for individuals and families through St Vincent de Paul food banks, direct grocery shopping, food cards and transporting individual to local food banks. We provided this service to 2,300 individuals during the fiscal year.
Utilities assistance - we provide direct payments to utility companies for individuals and families to keep the heat and lights on. This fiscal year we assisted 964 families.
The organization provides assistance to individuals and families regarding other daily needs and expenses, including the below: clothing supplies & materials for families - the organization provides hats, boots, winter coats to individuals. During the fiscal year, we provided clothing items to over 300 health, childcare & education allowances - the organization will provide families and individuals in need with assistance regarding health expense, childcare expenses and educational expenses. During fiscal year 2023, 83 families received assistance.vehicle & transportation assistance costs for families - the organization assists individuals/families with vehicle and transportation assistance. This includes providing gas cards to individuals in need to help allow them to get to and from work, assistance with vehicle repair costs and assistance with downpayments for used vehicles. During fiscal year 2023, 90 families received assistance.
National Council of the united states Society of St. Vincent de Paul has a national disaster assistance charity, disaster services corporation (dsc). Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Worcester's local conferences will donate funds to dsc when there are major disasters around the country for which dsc requests assistance (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados). Our local conferences make donations to dsc charity throughout the year. During fy2023, a total of $9,241 in donation assistance was made to dsc httpswwwsvdpdisasterorgaboutus
Other programming expenses including outreach coordinator, program supplies, travel and other program administrative costs.