Program areas at Sojourner Truth House
Sojourner Truth House is a day center for homeless and at-risk women and their children in Gary, Indiana, which provides the basic necessities for daily survival, life skills training, resource referrals and ongoing support to prevent repeating the cycles of addiction and homelessness. The center is sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ (PHJC) and receives management services from Ancilla Domini Sisters (ADS). A demographic composite of the disenfranchised women served indicates that an estimated 65% of the homeless women seeking help at Sojourner Truth House and 35% of the walk-in women from the community who participate in support services, suffer from mental illness, substance abuse and/or addiction. All the women seeking assistance have extreme needs and have reached the very bottom of life. Ethnically and racially diverse, the women come from all faiths and educational backgrounds. Over 90% of the women served represent African American and Hispanic populations. The women are of all ages. They have frequently been victims of domestic violence and bear the marks of physical and/or emotional abuse. These high risk factors coupled with homelessness, result in unemploy- ment and limited or no sources of income. The need for assistance is critical. Sojourner Truth House currently serves on average more than 2,000 clients per month. Women come to Sojourner Truth House straight off the street or they are picked up by van from nearby homeless shelters. Sojourner Truth House provides various support groups, counseling, individualized goal setting budgeting, health screenings, assistance in obtaining birth certificates and IDs, transportation, legal assistance, meals, laundry facilities, clothing, furniture, household items, food pantry services, computer training, referrals and assistance with job searches, access to medical care, housing and utilities. Sojourner Truth House is also a community resource for women who have made a commitment to independent living, but still need assistance with food, clothing, health care and counseling support. Collaborations with area employment, housing and social service agencies are essential elements in the strategic implementation of the mission. The staff includes an executive director with twenty years of shelter experience, four MSW social workers, and other support service personnel. In 2023, volunteers donated 5,694 hours of service to Sojourner Truth House. Sojourner Truth House receives community support from grants, special events, individual donations, and food and clothing to sustain its operations. A significant portion of the operating budget is subsidized by Ancilla Domini Sisters.