Program areas at Somos Un Pueblo Unido
Civil rights project: Somos provided know-your-rights information with civil rights protections and remedies to immigrant families through workshops, social media, earned media, and written materials. Staff and members also participated in campaigns to support legalization for immigrant workers, expanded citizenship services, and privacy policies for families' immigration status.
Viva el voto citizenship now: citizenship now is a citizenship and voter education program that helps lawful permanent residents in santa fe, curry, chaves, lea, and eddy counties naturalize and learn about the voting process.
United worker center (uwc)of new mexico: through our worker centers in four counties, workers obtained information about protections and remedies, file wage claims, and organize for improved wages and workplace conditions. Staff and members participated in and coordinated grassroots campaigns that promoted worker-friendly laws, including the expansion of workforce development opportunities, locally and statewide.
Immigrant resource center: through Somos' immigrant resource center, service providers and spanish- speaking immigrants obtain information about services, rights, remedies and resources available to immigrant families.