Program areas at Sonshine Missions International
Education: each year economically poor and orphan children are supported so that they would have enough to eat, clothe and go to school to get educated to become self-reliant with self-esteem and become good citizens. In 2023,53 orphan children and children of physically handicapped parents who received blessings of care, food and education to achieve their dreams and goals.
Evangelism: evangelizing the unevangelized and bringing people out of darkness into christ's life changing marvelous light. In 2023, 710 ministers report that through all the outreach, 192,139 people and thousands of young children heard the name of jesus and his gospel of grace. Culturally, people in south asia regions connected to the creator god, closeness with family and society. As drought, poverty, drugs, alcohol addiction and new social media addiction brought disconnection with belief in god, fellowship with family and friends, despondency driving many to commit suicide. Through the following programs many thousands are reached regardless of race, religion, gender and age. Great to report that many found their way back to the basic and reconnected with hope and new life. 1. That through film shows outreach project in 69 remote villages, 99,983 people were delivered from hopelessness and blessed with living hope. The true light and new life shared welcomed by people that burdened by the routine life lived with superstitions, sorcery, spiritism, satanic worships with animal sacrifices and worships. People who benefited from attending life group and watching shows, testified that they were relieved from fears and doubts through the moral life filled stories. 2. That through good news special classes thousands of high school and college students and 92,156 parents of the children were delivered from hopelessness and blessed with living hope. These counseling seminars conducted in the local schools, colleges, public squares with permission are always lively and helpful to focus their mind to the life's important and meaningful things.. joyful skits, songs and stories of dreams, hopes, imagination of good life, self-respect and self- esteem in spite of all poverty, shortages, illiteracy and fear of future, delivers anyone seeking for meaning for living. This will be shared with crafts, games, snacks, drinks, and specially prepared meals.
Project hope 2023: project hope is a special program conducted to share gods true love, life and light with some personal involvement of good works. According to the report of 710 leaders and directors of outreaches that by the following personal involvements made huge differences in the lives of the people physically, emotionally and spiritually. 1.leaders, their family & widows: that benevolence funds blessed 279 ministers, leaders, widows and their family to accomplish the callings of god in their lives. This special support was given when they confronted some calamity such as loss of church venue, death of ministers, leaders and family members naturally or by accidents. pantry: that jehovah jireh food pantry shared to 21,143 people in 174 locations providing some food items on all saturdays and mondays. 3.lepers, blinds and beggar outreach: that 11,947 were brought into hope in christ jesus from poverty, curse and hopelessness. 4.prisoners, alcoholics & drug addicts: that 1872 found the living hope shared brought solution to their questions, problems and to their bondages.
Equipping: each year many national leaders are equipped through the special classes and seminars conducted in many churches, rental buildings and conference halls. Also 81 trained in 4 locations in order for the men and women of god thoroughly equipped for every good work and to establish Sonshine in the darkest region on the planet earth.