Program areas at SOS Childrens Village USA
Impact: 618,800 (alternative care + prevention) children and families are strong and stable because of our Sos Children's villages care programs. We work in 136 countries and territories around the world, with 99% of our workforce hired locally. We are a trusted member of the communities in which we work and are uniquely positioned to support vulnerable families in overcoming adversity and staying together. 549,800 children and adults (family strengthening) whose families were at risk of falling apart received critical family strengthening support to address poverty, health and displacement. Our family-like care for vulnerable children keeps biological siblings together, creating a loving and supportive environment that allows them to thrive. 334,400 (education + other activities) children and youth were provided access to education in Sos Children's villages kindergartens, schools, vocational training programs and social centers. 654,400 children, young people and adults, including those in surrounding communities, received medical services (life-saving care, medicine and vaccines). 1,385,800 children, young people and adults were proctected and/or reunited through emergency response services necessitated by natural disasters, war or famine.
Education & advocacy: for over 75 years, Sos Children's villages has been at the forefront of a global movement in child protection, advocating for vulnerable children without parental care, or for those at risk of losing it. At local, national and international levels, we sensitize decision makers to the rights and needs of children and youth in order to bring about important changes in policies and practices that affect young lives. We promote and facilitate youth participation in these decision making and policy making processes, amplifying their voices and supporting young people in becoming their own advocates.