Program areas at Lions Vision Services A South Carolina Charity
The affordable eye surgery program represents the largest portion of lvs expenses and operations. Lvs maintains the most comprehensive, inclusive, and sustainable eye surgery program of its kind in the state of South Carolina, providing access to critical sight-saving Services that treat A number of eye diseases. Not included in the above figures is additional in-kind income and in-kind expense of 637,978 provided to and used by the organization for discounted surgery Services achieved through partnership with over 80 ophthalmologists, anesthesiologists, and surgery centers around the state.
The palmetto Vision alliance is the only statewide collaborative platform in South Carolina in which entities serving the blind and visually impaired can regularly communicate, collaborate, and coordinate resources. Designed to reduce duplication of Services, maximize accessibility of resources for the blind and visually impaired in South Carolina, and create consensus around future eyecare initiatives, pva members meet quarterly by zoom. Expenses for this program include website development for A new centralized clearinghouse of eyecare Services, research on current eye health trends in South Carolina, and marketing for increased public awareness of eyecare.
The santee blind fishing event is A recreational, educational, quality-of- life enhancing event for individuals with blindness or Vision loss and their caregivers. Lvs provides A weekend retreat in the santee region where blind and visually impaired individuals connect with others who have similar shared life experiences and participate in A catch-and-release fishing tournament. Expenses for the program cover food, lodging, transportation, and equipment for clients and volunteers.