Program areas at South Carolina Physicians Care Charity
Health clinic supportcommunity initiatives clinic in greenwood received ($11,898.87) for their clinic operations. In particular the funds will be used to support the hope project that addresses health disparities among various demographic groups with regards to maternal health Care. The bluffton jasper volunteers in medicine clinic of ridgeland needed to expand its facilities to accommodate an increased demand for services. While the amount requested was $150,000, an initial grant of ($50,000) was made to assist with the purchase of the building they were currently housed in thus providing additional space for the clinic. The good neighbor free clinic in beaufort, received ($33,110) to purchase it equipment, medical equipment, and a fridge to store medications. The shifa free clinic in charleston, sc received a grant of ($30,000). The clinic will use this grant to vision clinic equipment, medical supplies, pharmaceutical medications, and hygiene items for homeless individuals. The sc Physicians Care Charity partnered with welvista by assisting with the purchase of a new parata max 2 robot for their pharmacy. A grant of ($80,680) was made to fund half of the purchase price of the unit. Welvista provides prescriptions in support of the work of free clinics across South Carolina.
Human services and children's welfarethe Care house of the pee dee serves as a child advocacy center in the florence, sc area. A grant for ($65,000) was made to build a private recreation / playground area for the clinic, and purchase curriculum used in a program that helps identify and prevent maltreatment of children. The chapin we Care center received a grant of ($1,750) to purchase a defibrillator for their food pantry office. A grant of ($11,898.87) was made to the juvenile diabetes research foundation for use with their annual fund raising and outreach events. The mission lexington food pantry received a grant of ($50,875) to purchase a new stake body truck that is used to pull their mobile food pantry to areas without nearby access to grocery stores. The power in changing diaper bank received a grant of ($32,600) to purchase pull up training pants, it equipment, office partitions, warehouse space and associated shelving. Vision to learn received a third and final grant in 2023 ($15,000) to be used with the operation of a second mobile eyesight clinic. This grant helps build upon the successful work accomplished thus far. (providing eye screening services and eyeglasses to school children). The mary sunshine house received the last installment ($50,000) of a three-year grant for $150,000 to be used with the restoration of five duplexes, located adjacent to the southern wesleyan university campus. The apartments are used to facilitate independent living by people who have autism.
Health education/researchthe university of South Carolina school of medicine received a grant of ($30,000) to partner with a student-led patient diabetes management project. This project will help patients with poorly controlled or newly diagnosed diabetes at clinics with sc. Patients are offered the opportunity to work with a medical student volunteer. The volunteer calls patients soon after enrollment to establish a relationship, speak with them about their diabetes, and help them set reasonable goals for lifestyle modification to better self-manage their condition. Funds from the grant are used to purchase a1c cartridges used by diabetic patients to test their blood glucose levels.the usc palmetto college - sumter (nursing program) was given a grant of ($15,000) to establish an endowed scholarship fund, to help address the demand for a higher-educated nursing workforce. This grant will enable the school to receive a matching grant. The usc palmetto college - union (nursing program) was given a grant of ($10,000) to establish an endowed scholarship fund, to help address the demand for a higher-educated nursing workforce. The university of South Carolina college of nursing received a grant of ($5,000) to be used for furnishings at the usc college of nursing lexington medical center clinical building. The american cancer society received a grant to be paid over two years. The grant is being used to engage, train, and support (4) health system partners in the 2 year hpv cancer free program. Partnership mini grants will be provided to each health center to increase data capacity, identify root causes to hpv vaccination disparities, and to develop, test, and implement new clinical processes. After a review of the project's progress, scpcc issued the second payment of ($50,000) for this commitment.