Program areas at South Central Iowa Community Action Program
Head start and early head start - provides a comprehensive developmental Program for preschool children, primarily all of whom come from low income families. Enrolled children received screenings including developmental, social-emotional status, hearing, vision, communication skills, nutritional status and blood lead level screenings. As part of early head start pregnant women were assisted with obtaining access to prenatal and postpartum care and education through referrals.
Empowerment area programs - programs include the parents as teachers Program which is a parent education and support Program offered to families with children ages birth th kindergarden entry. The Program offers 4 main components to its participants: home visits, developmental screenings, group meetings, and a resourse network
Low income home energy assistance Program (liheap) - Program aids low-income families and individuals in paying their household heating costs and providing new furnaces and air conditioners. During the fiscal year, 1,742 individuals/households were provided with assistance.
Weatherization assistance programs - Program for low-income households to help weatherize their homes with such things as insulation, windows, doors and furnaces. During the fiscal year, 1,742 households eligible for assistance and 25 homes weatherized.
Child development programs - provide child development services for three to four year old children who are determined to be at risk.
Family development and self-sufficiency Program (fadss) - provides development and self-sufficiency services to families enrolled in the state's family investment Program who are determined to be at risk of long-term welfare dependency.
Community service block grants (csbg) - provides funding for the administration of human service programs or provides direct support to the individual programs which require co-funding to complete their activities.
Child and adult care food Program - provides assistance for food and nutritional needs of low income families' children enrolled in head start centers and family day care homes
Local and other programs, including wrap-around child care, housing preservation, embrace Iowa, emergency assistance, tenant based rental assistance, home energy savers, sexual abuse prevention, and other local programs.