Program areas at South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations Healthcare Research Educ
Healthcare quality initiatives & partnerships the sdaho quality integration department offers the latest information and resources in Healthcare quality to our members. Our vision is to be the leading experts in quality which supports sdaho's mission of advancing healthy communities through a unified voice across the Healthcare continuum. In order to achieve this vision, the quality integration team seeks opportunities for funding and collaboration to reach our goals. This is a robust program with state, local, and federal partners including: hrsa (health Research services administration), South Dakota department of health, aspr (administration for strategic partnership & response), university of South Dakota, and the South Dakota community foundation. Programs include a focus on workforce development, opioid use disorder in the emergency department, palliative care, emergency preparedness, sexual assault nurse examiner education, hometown Healthcare hero workforce recruitment campaign, and nurse training. Revenue from the majority of these programs is included in contribution revenue and therefore is not reflected as program service revenue.
Hqic - hospital quality improvement contractors the compass network is one of nine hqic awardees and is led by the Iowa Healthcare collaborative (ihc) with the collective partner Organizations of sdaho hret, Kansas Healthcare collaborative, and Mississippi hospital Association. Contract terms: september 18, 2022 to september 17, 2023 and september 18, 2023 to september 17, 2024
Sd flex - South Dakota office of rural health medicare rural hospital flexibility sdaho hret continues the contract with the South Dakota office of rural health (sd orh) to support programmatic, financial, operational, and quality improvement for the South Dakota medicare rural hospital flexibility (flex) program. Medicare beneficiary quality improvement project (mbqip) program is a quality improvement activity under the flex grant program. Contract terms: june 1, 2022 to may 31, 2023 and june 1, 2023 to may 31, 2024
Hospital datasdaho is a central location for members and the public to request data related to hospital utilization, financial performance, and balance sheet. We are a source of comparable information on inpatient utilization, outpatient statistics, charges and expenses per day and per stay, uncollected charges, number of days in accounts receivable gross, profitability, and financial ratios.