Program areas at South Gate Youth Football
Program services business needs: postage, printing-copying, licenses, internet, background checks & coach certifications, first-aid-cpr-aed certification, refunds, bank debits, snack bar purchases, field & facility, covid/ppe, registration materials, general administrative supplies, telephone-wifi, travel & meetings, taxes & filing fees, national membership/member fees, equipment container & computer-printer-software. The above program services provide the organization the opportunity to continue its business service as usual in the area of communications, program education to parents through meetings and parent packets, registration materials which outline our conditions of participation, general business filings with city and state entities, provide general office supplies to generate informative materials to board, staff and parent groups, upkeep of social media sites, maintain an active bank account, conduct background checks on all adult volunteers, provide coach certification through online services, conduct in-house coaches & team manager training meetings, and other to continue to provide a structured Youth organization and maintain a line of chain of command.
Fundraising Costs of Fireworks, Kickoff Breakfast and Homecoming Tickets
Operations. Participant services-player & cheerleader needs: cheer training equipment & competition needs, board & staff uniforms, Football equipment-helmets & shoudler pads, Football & cheer spirit packs & uniforms, referee services, awards & recognition, team administrative supplies, pre-seaosn academy supplies. The above participant services is dedicated to providing appropriate uniforms & equipment for the sport of flag & tackle Football and cheerleading in a competition recreational organization. Provide team contract books, game day binders, photo id requirements of participants & certified staff, provide necessary training equipment as is affordable to our budget