Program areas at Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse
The purpose of the housing program is to provide housing and supportive services to homeless women with children to help them with their transition to permanent housing. The housing program consists of a 10 unit apartment Building with supportive services on-site and a rapid rehousing program which provides rental assistance and supportive services. 61 people were provided housing during the fiscal year.
The purpose of the court advocacy program is to provide domestic Violence victims with information and support as they attempt to obtain relief from the domestic Violence through the criminal or civil court system. This protection is generally in the form of on order of protection allowed through the Illinois domestic Violence act. The court advocacy program provided information and assistance to 574 domestic Violence victims, provided orientation to 889 people seeking an order, provided information and referrals to 1,047 people seeking legal related services and assisted 285 victims in obtaining an order of protection.
The purpose of the counseling program is to provide victims and witnesses of domestic Violence with the information and the skills that they need to recover from domestic Violence. The counseling program provided 2,918 hours of group counseling and therapy, individual counseling, advocacy, child care/parental services, family counseling and evaluation/assessment/case management.
Hotline & crisis intervention provided 249 nights of emergency shelter to 41 adult & child victims and provided support to 459 hotline callers.
The purpose of the partner Abuse intervention program is to provide re-learning opportunities for individuals who have harmed thier partners. These groups consisited of 30, two hour classes. 59 new men and women were assessed for this program and 78 attended paip groups. Of these who attended the groups, 28 completed the program and 33 were still attending the groups.
The community education program provides prevention education to help 2,488 students identify dating Violence and domestic Violence and to give them information on the services that are available to help. They also provide outreach and education on domestic Violence related issues to 7,972 professionals, community leaders, and the general public.