Program areas at SCDDS
Medicaid comprehensive refers to residential services, adult day services or supports and transportation activities as specified in the individualized plan (ip). Included are a number of different types of residential settings, which provide an array of training, learning, experiential and support activities provided in residential living alternatives designed to meet individual needs. Additionally, adult day services provide opportunities for individuals to experience and actively participate in valued roles in the community. These services and supports enable individuals to access and participate in typical community activities such as work, recreation, and senior citizen activities. Finally, transportation activities refer to home to day program transportation services relevant to an individuals work schedule as specified in the ip. For these purposes, work schedule is defined broadly to include adult and retirement activities such as education, training, community integration and employment.
Early intervention is support for children from birth through age two which offer infants and toddlers and their families services and supports to enhance child development in the areas of cognition, speech, communication, physical, motor, vision, hearing, social-emotional development, and self help skills; parent-child or family interaction; and early identification, screening and assessment services.
Case management is the determination of eligibility for services and supports, service and support coordination, and the monitoring of all services and supports delivered pursuant to the ip, and the evaluation of results identified in the ip.
Family support provides an array of supportive services to the person with a Developmental disability and his/her family when the person remains within the family home, thereby preventing or delaying the need for out- of-home placement, which is unwanted by the person or the family. Expense 396,799 revenue 293,440 childrens extensive support is a deeming waiver (only the childs income is considered in determining eligibility) intended to provide needed services and supports to eligible children under the age of eighteen years in order for the children to remain in or return to the family home. Waiver services are targeted to children having extensive support needs, which require constant line-of-sight supervision due to significantly challenging behaviors and/or coexisting medical conditions. Available services include personal assistance, household modification, specialized medical equipment and supplies, professional services, and community connection services. Expense 302,218 revenue 397,317 adult supported living provides individualized living services for persons who are responsible for their own living arrangements in the community. Expense 120,907 revenue 127,415