Program areas at SNJPC
Special child & early intervention health services: the early intervention service coordination unit at Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative helps parents access specialized services for children with developmental disabilities up to age 3. The program is designed to ensure that each child with developmental delays receives the proper care and support to reach his or her full potential. Service coordinators meet with families regularly and work collaboratively to help families navigate systems of care, understand their rights, coordinate in- home evaluations for the child, obtain services, develop individual family service plans and confer with developmental therapists and monitor the (continued on schedule o)
Outreach and education: one of the cooperatives core functions is the development and refinement of robust, informative and continuous educational and outreach opportunities for the communities we serve. The educational engagement and outreach initiatives that center around our programs undergo scrutiny and evolve as needed. The cooperatives diverse and highly skilled, specially-trained staff offer in-person, virtual, multi-lingual education sessions, literature, marketing collateral and other helpful resources rooted in evidence-based findings to aid the clients we dutifully serve. The consumer-facing, consumer-friendly (continued on schedule o)
Nurse family partnership/healthy families: nurse-family partnership is a free, evidence-based community health program that pairs at-risk, first-time birthing individuals with highly-skilled home-visiting nurses. Nurses visit clients homes during client pregnancies to ensure healthy pregnancies. After the birth of the child, visits continue for the first two years of the child's life, with nurses serving as a critical conduit, connecting families to healthcare services and educational resources on preventive health practices and parenting skills, so New parents are equipped New to give their child the best possible start in life. The trusting relationship that develops between mother and nurse (continued on schedule o)
Other state and federally funded Perinatal programs.