Program areas at Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture
1. Chum - SSRAA programs are established to enhance and rehabilitate salmon production in southern Southeast Alaska to the optimum social and economic benefit of salmon users. The expenditures related to producing returning adult salmon is accomplished through operation of seven hatcheries and six remote release sites. The Southeast Alaska commercial salmon fleets are the largest benefactors catching SSRAA salmon. In 2023 there were 276 SE seine permit holders, 470 SE drift gillnet permit holders, 872 State hand troll permit holders, and 952 State power troll permit holders. Each of these fishermen is an independent small business. In addition to the commercial fleets there are several hundred commercial sport charter businesses, non-guided resident sport fishermen, personal use fisherman, and subsistence fisherman benefiting from SSRAA salmon returns. The 2023 SSRAA chum fry release was 195,405,000 million.From the releases of SSRAA chum fry returning as adults the chum salmon program generated $14,523,800 in exvessel value to the commercial fleet in 2022. The wholesale value to regional communities is approximately twice that amount.
3. Coho - SSRAA programs are established to enhance and rehabilitate salmon production in southern Southeast Alaska to the optimum social and economic benefit of salmon users. The expenditures related to producing returning adult salmon is accomplished through operation of seven hatcheries and six remote release sites. The Southeast Alaska commercial salmon fleets are the largest benefactors catching SSRAA salmon. In 2023 there were 276 SE seine permit holders, 470 SE drift gillnet permit holders, 872 State hand troll permit holders, and 952 State power troll permit holders. Each of these fishermen is an independent small business. In addition to the commercial fleets there are several hundred commercial sport charter businesses, non-guided resident sport fishermen, personal use fisherman, and subsistence fisherman benefiting from SSRAA salmon returns. The 2023 SSRAA coho smolt release was 10,114,000 million.From the releases of SSRAA coho smolts returning as adults the coho salmon program generated $2,160,500 in exvessel value to the commercial fleet in 2022. The wholesale value to regional communities is approximately twice that amount. SSRAA coho returns also have a strong positive impact on local sport, personal use, and subsistance opportunity.
2. Chinook - SSRAA programs are established to enhance and rehabilitate salmon production in southern Southeast Alaska to the optimum social and economic benefit of salmon users. The expenditures related to producing returning adult salmon is accomplished through operation of seven hatcheries and six remote release sites. The Southeast Alaska commercial salmon fleets are the largest benefactors catching SSRAA salmon. In 2023 there were 276 SE seine permit holders, 470 SE drift gillnet permit holders, 872 State hand troll permit holders, and 952 State power troll permit holders. Each of these fishermen is an independent small business. In addition to the commercial fleets there are several hundred commercial sport charter businesses, non-guided resident sport fishermen, personal use fisherman, and subsistence fisherman benefiting from SSRAA salmon returns. The 2023 SSRAA chinook smolt release was 2,926,000 million.From the releases of SSRAA chinook smolts returning as adults the chinook salmon program generated $1,735,600 in exvessel value to the commercial fleet in 2022. The wholesale value to regional communities is approximately twice that amount. SSRAA chinook returns also have a strong positive impact on local sport, personal use, and subsistance opportunity.