Program areas at Southwest Research and Information Center
The uranium impact assessment program provides multi-faceted assistance to communities impacted by uranium development. Two projects are the navajo birth cohort study/echo, and thinking zinc, collaborative studies to better understand the relationship between uranium exposures and birth outcomes and early developmental delays on the navajo nation. The collaborative includes sric, university of new mexico community environmental health program, navajo area indian health service, navajo nation division of health, and national institutes of health and niehs. The websites, and provide extensive Information.
The new mexico community aids partnership (nmcap) works to assure that the diverse populations of new mexico receive high quality, culturally appropriate hiv prevention, education and care. The project focuses on innovative and collaborative programs, targeting otherwise underserved and vulnerable populations. Nmcap provides hiv prevention services to more than 3,000 clients, plus thousands more receive nutritional. Support and education through food pantries. Another 3,000 hiv clients receive testing and counseling support. Trans youth support benefits transgender and gender nonconforming youth and their families and training and support for adults who work with youth populations,including mental and behavioral health referrals. The websitehttpwwwnmaidspartnershiporg provides further Information.
The nuclear waste program provides technical assistance to community groups and Information to the publice and policymakers regarding nuclear weapons production facilities in new mexico, and nuclear waste facilities, especially wipp in new mexico and sites that ship to wipp. The website httpwwwsricorgnuclearindexphp provides extensive Information. The nuclear watch of new mexico project through comprehensive Research, public education and effective citizen action promotes safety and environmental protection; diversification away from nuclear weapons programs; greater accountability and cleanup in the nationwide nuclear weapons complex; and consistent u.s. Leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons. The website,,provides extensive Information about nuclear issues.