Program areas at Southwest Research Institute
Southwest Research Institute exists to benefit government, industry and the public by conducting innovative applied and basic research developing/transferring technology; establishing, maintaining and operating research facilities; and providing a challenging and rewarding work environment to fulfill its scientific, charitable, testing for public safety, literary and educational purposes. During fiscal year 2023, research yielded 517 papers published, 577 technical presentations, 15 technical podcasts, 41 webinars, and 25 streaming technical media presentations, as well as 42 U.S. patent awards, 34 U.S. patent applications filed, and 36 invention disclosures submitted. Areas of research and development included chemistry and chemical engineering, fire safety technology, automotive engineering, powertrain engineering, emissions, space systems, planetary science, fuels and lubricants, intelligent systems, applied power, applied physics, space science, defense and intelligence solutions, material science, structural mechanical engineering, and solar system science and exploration. The 2023 Annual Report is available at httpswwwswriorgnewsroomannualrepo... Additional information regarding federal government technical programs is available by searching for Southwest Research Institute's single audit at httpharvestercensusgovfacdissem As a nonprofit research and development organization, SwRI invests in innovation, using our robust internal research and development (IR&D) program to expand and enhance our expertise and encourage our staff's professional growth. In 2023, SwRI initiated 103 IR&D new projects, investing more than $9.3 million in internal research, including quick-look and focused research programs. IR&D fulfills the Institute's objective of conducting innovative activities for the benefit of industry, the government and humankind. Through internal research, we increase our technical capabilities, expand our reputation as a leader in science and technology, and invest in technology our clients may need in the future. The program also allows engineers and scientists to grow in their technical fields by providing freedom to explore innovative and unproven concepts. Internal Research Projects for 2023 are described at httpswwwswriorgnewsroomannualrepo...