Program areas at SWCAP
Child education -in collaboration with Community service agencies, provides expectant parents and families with children ages birth through five, opportunities for child development education, health and nutrition services, parent and Program partnerships, and family support, resource and referral in an effort to promote school readiness, positive parent-child interactions, self-sufficiency, and healthy lifestyles. Parent involvement is essential in all aspects of these programs. The family's success in the Program is dependent upon parent participation. In 2023, 324 children were enrolled, 124 children completed age-appropriate health exams, 123 children completed dental exams and 324 children were screened for developmental delays.
Weatherization/energy assistance -provides weatherization and energy assistance to reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly the elderly, people with disabilities and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety. Our services include insulating attics and sidewalls to reduce air leakage, insulating orreplacing water heaters, repairing or replacing furnaces, replacing refrigerators, installing energy-efficient lighting, and performing health and safety inspections. In 2023, 480 households were weatherized and 482 households served with home repair including emergency furnaces.
Community services -Community services matches income-qualifying people with available services; provides emergency food and assistance for homeless and near homeless; assures adequate supply of food for those in need. In 2023, 8,782 individuals were served through Community services programs.
Housing and housing rehabilitation
Health programs