Program areas at Special Leisure Services Foundation
General program support - the Foundation provides funding to northwest Special recreation association (nwsra) to allow the association to provide adapted equipment, and specialized furnishings for programming spaces.
Capital improvements - the Foundation provides financial support to make necessary building improvements to northwest Special recreation association programming spaces.
Scholarships - the Foundation provides financial support to the northwest Special recreation association, to enable the association to provide scholarships to disabled individuals in economic need, to enable them to participate in northwest Special recreation association programs.
Accessible vehicle support - the Foundation provides funding to the northwest Special recreation association to provide door to door transportation for individuals with disabilities.
Nwsra lightning athletes - the Foundation provides grants to northwest Special recreation association (nwsra), which represents athletes competing in their local community, giving them the opportunity to advance to state, national, and international competition. The Foundation also covers a portion of the expense incurred in sending athletes to the Special olympics games in the region.
Inclusion (ada compliance) - the Foundation provides funding to the northwest Special recreation association to allow the association to provide aide and adaptive equipment to enable individuals with disabilities to mainstream back into regular park district programs.