Program areas at Special Olympics Georgia
Special Olympics Georgia, Inc. ("soga") provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities of all ability levels. Participating in sports contributes to the physical, social and phychological development of the athlete. The athletes gain confidence and build positive self-image through participation in sucessful sporting events. Athletes also gain skills for employment, learn independent living skills, form relationships and help others understand their extraordinary capabilities despite health issues that experience daily.program accomplishments: soga offered 4 state games in 2023. The 2023 indoor winter games, held in marietta, played host to 1899 athletes, coaches and unified partners. The 2023 summer games, held at emory university, played host to 1855 athletes, coaches and unified partners. The 2023 fall games, held in valdosta, played host to 1262 athletes, coaches and unified partners. The 2023 horse show, held in gainesville, played host to 101 athletes, coaches and unified partners. Soga hosted 28 medfest in 2023, including 2 at the soga office, with over 1015 athletes screened.healthy athletes/young athletes: soga received a $150,000.00 grant from a foundation to support health promotion efforts. Soga received $2,500 from soi and the centers for disease control and preventions to support young athletes/head start programs and community health. Soga has 23 young athlete's programs active in the state of Georgia. Soga hosted Special smiles and healthy hearing screenings for healthy athletes at our state indoor winter games, where 240 athletes were screened. Soga also received $18,000 from soi for healthy athletes at state indoor winter games. Soga hosted Special smiles, opening eyes, fit feet and healthy hearing screenings for healthy athletes at our state summer games, where 304 athletes were screened. Soga also received $12,000 from soi for healthy athletes at state summer games. Soga hosted Special smiles screenings for healthy athletes at our state fall games, where 110 athletes were screened. Soga also received $3,000 from soi for healthy athletes at state fall games. Soga hosted a medfest at the soga office and also had healthy hearing screenings, where 105 athletes were screened. Total athletes screened for 2023 in healthy athletes was 759. Development/events: the 2023 polar plunge raised $232,000.00 with a record number of plungers. The publix campaign raised $1,202,561.00. Cops on donut shops event raised $64,000.00. The 2023 shoot for champions event raised a record $73,000.00 with 72 shooters. The duck pluck raised $86,000.00 with 12,000 ducks sold. The 25th annual marlow's golf tournament raised $94,000.00 to benefit the soga athletes. The bob busse memorial golf tournament raised $110,000.00. Pro sports: the atlanta gladiators hosted 2 soga nights with a portion of the tickets sales going to support soga athletes. Soga continued the relationship with atlanta united and the unified team. Athletes & unified partners are selected to be on a unified team, hosted a team signing day, and played in 2 unified matches, one home & one away with other unified teams out of state. Soga formed a new relationship with the columbus lions, and they hosted a soga night during the season. Soga received $10,000 from the atlanta hawks, who attended the state indoor winter games and gave every athlete participating in basketball a hawks t-shirt. The mls hosted soga at the premier league breakfast kickoff. The atlanta falcons and player mack hollins hosted a camp for athletes and unified partners at the mercedes benz stadium.