Program areas at Special Olympics North Dakota
Sond is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the state of North Dakota to enable children and adults with intellectual disabilities to become a more accepted and integral part of the communities in which they reside. The programs offered by sond create an environment in which persons with intellectual disabilities will be prepared to participate in the community at large through activities that will (1) better enable them to be independent, productive members of society; (2) assist them in improving their overall health and safety through healthy athlete initiatives and volunteer training/education; (3) eliminate barriers to support and other assistance through community education; (4) enhance individual, family and citizen participation and involvement; and (5) increase economic opportunities to more people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally sond does not, nor cannot, assess any fees to the participants or their families for the programs provided; therefore, financial support from foundations, businesses and individuals is critical to sustaining programs for the people in nd. Education and youth leadership is what supports the year round mission of Special Olympics and is a large part of the more than 2,000 volunteers involved with the program in a traditional year. Resources put into activities allowed during the year were a critical strategy for creating enlightened and activated youth who can lead today and in the future who can help build stronger civil societies. Targeted training insured that volunteers were provided the resources and direction to participating in providing opportunities for, and changing attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities.
Sond offers healthy athlete initiatives dedicated to providing health services and education to Special Olympics athletes, and changing the way health systems interact with people with intellectual disabilities. Through free health screenings, training for healthcare professionals, and evaluation of the health status of people with intellectual disabilities, healthy athletes has become a powerful public health organization. Since 2003, 1,906 athletes have been screened in opening eyes, Special smiles, strong minds, and fun fitness and health promotion.
Competition and training is the vehicle widely used to provide people with intellectual disabilities opportunities for fitness, inclusion, acceptance and leadership. Approximately, 1,094 people in North Dakota participated in either a sanctioned training or competition event sponsored by sond and supported by 153 volunteer coaches. The power of sport shifts focus to what our participants can do, not what they can't. Attention to disabilities fades away. Instead, we see our athletes' talents and abilities. Our sports and competition events traditionally bring together a large and inclusive community of athletes, supporters and families, coaches, volunteers and many others. At each of these events, the experiences demonstrate purity of sports and real athletic pursuits all based upon true olympic ideals. Sond provides year-round training and competition in 11 official sports. Unified competitions are offered in the sports of bocce, soccer, volleyball and flag football. Unified sports combine people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. Special Olympics North Dakota has 26 unified schools across the state engaging in unified champion school strategies.