Program areas at Spectrum Health and Human Services
Certified community behavioral Health center (ccbhc)in july of 2017 Spectrum was designated as one of three local providers to initiate a new outpatient clinic model referred to as a ccbhc. This allows Spectrum to provide a range of new Services within outpatient facilities. Ccbhc service components include individual counseling, psychiatric evaluation and medication management, peer support Services, psychiatric rehabilitation, Health screenings, case management, crisis intervention, community-based outreach, and off-site Services. We also provide 24/7 on-call and crisis intervention Services to all ccbhc clients. Services are designed to provide a holistic and comprehensive set of service components to address client needs with the appropriate level of service expertise without needing to refer to additional providers. Our Services also include a range of options for ambulatory detox Services and other substance abuse treatments. We operate this programming in 4 primary locations in Erie County as well as 3 primary care satellite offices and one location in Wyoming County.
Housing stability and case managementspectrum operates 227 scattered site supportive housing beds in Erie and Wyoming County. These programs are funded with a combination of housing and urban development grants, nys office of Mental Health funding and nys office of alcohol and substance abuse housing. The program provides rental assistance and community-based case management Services for adults and families affected by any one or more chronic behavioral or physical Health conditions. The goal of the program is to assist individuals with chronic disabilities maintain themselves in the community, avoid costly hospitalizations, and, to the extent possible, establish the highest level of independent living given their disability. We have a staff of almost 20 case managers, peers and resources specialist that collaborate on Services plans to insure each individual has maximum linkage to mainstream resources. We also work with our vocational specialist to develop vocation, education and other employment goals as desired by the recipients.
Assertive community treatment teams (act)act is a nys omh licensed program providing intensive community-based Services to clients in the field who are successful with traditional outpatient Services. Services are provided by a team of psychiatrists, nurses, co-occurring disorder specialists, licensed clinical therapists, peers and case managers. The program provides intensive community outreach and Services in the client's home or other location. At least four to six visits are made monthly to address case management, community integration and behavioral Health stability. The goal is to insure integration in the community while providing behavioral Health treatment and physical Health monitoring to avoid costly emergency room or inpatient hospitalizations. Spectrum operates 3 fully staffed act programs. They are currently operating in niagara, Erie and cattaraugus County. All programs work closely with the County operated spoa programs to identify program recipients and insure rapid access and enrollment into programs.
Other services:subcontracted serviceshud housing serviceschildren's intensive servicesother miscellaneous Services