Program areas at Sport Wayne
introduced unique sports, recreational, and educational hobbies to over 25.000 youth. handicap, and underpriviedged athletes by way of our sports festival program. Our goal is to encourage all citizens of all ages, abilities, and skill levels to find an active fulfilling hobby that will positively influence their life. We put a lot of effort into educating on health and fitness for kids who may not have the Same access training and information enna
Fort Wayne Adventure Games a regional program that focuses on creating more accesible adventure recreation to urban and inner city youth. Regardless of race, gender, or financial standing, this programs goal is to make sure everyone finds creative and unique ways to explore the world they live in. Teaches survival skills, critical thinking, teamwork, physical and mental fitness
We provide unigue educational experiences to help build critical thinking, team bonding, team work. problem solving This year Over 15,000 youth, veterans, disabled and handicap groups, students, and underprivileged teens from all over the region have been impacted by this program. Our goal is to help improve cognitive decision making, critical thinking, and outside the box thinking Skis. anne