Program areas at Spruce Lake Retreat
The organization hosts church and church related groups for spiritual retreats, inviting people to refocus on their relationships with god and others (40,871 guests served).
The organization uses wilderness adventures to point young people towards christ (1,404 guests served).
The organization creates opportunities for families and individuals to refocus their relationship with jesus christ, our center of life. Through worship, teaching, fellowship and recreation, people can take a deep breath, look each other in the eye and come away restored in body, mind and spirit (2,535 guests served).
The organization provides "christ-centered discoveries in an outdoor setting" in the lives and experiences of homeschool families, christian school students, teachers and parents (1,286 guests served). Expenses - 286,621 (including grants of 0), revenue - 212,561 the organization serves the local community by providing a day Camp experience for the children of local families in a nurturing, natural setting - teaching about our creator, promoting healthy relationships, entertaining with clean, wholesome fun(1,806 guests served). Expenses - 548,491 (including grants of 8,719), revenue - 262,103 the organization has a "gap year program" expenses - 61,502 (including grants of 0), revenue - 44,467