Program areas at Square One / Springfield Day Nursery Corporation
Preschool - daycare services provided to 176 preschool children at various daycare facilities.
School age child care-early education and care services provided to 153 school-age children at various locations.
Family child care- in-home daycare services provided to 322 children by various licensed family child care providers.
Food- nutrition provided to children in care services.
Parent services-support to 64 parents of children in the program.
Healthy families-providing home visitation services to families who are first time parents under the age of 21. The program provides support to the family from the time of pregnancy until the child is 3 years old. Support includes various classes on parenting skills, reading, education, finances and nutrition. 159 families served.
Mhvi-providing home visitation services to families addressing the needs of pregnant women, parents with children from birth to age 3, and first time parents with children of any age. Support includes intensive home visiting and creation of an individual family service plan by joining community resources and partners to provide supportive services and family education. 24 families served.
First steps together (families in recovery support) is a peer coaching and parenting support program for moms recovering from opioid dependence. This is a unique home visiting program, where clients are matched with a family recovery support specialist who is a person in recovery with specialized training. They will provide support for both recovery and early parenting. This program assisted 44 families in recovery.
Perinatal early child program - family services capacity building.