Program areas at St. Catherine's Center for Children
St. Catherine's residential program is based on client need for intensive care in a therapeutic setting. Services include individual, group, and family therapy; psychiatric and psychological evaluation; emergency/crisis stabilization and assessment; and daily recreational activity planning. Permanency planning is a critical element of the program. The permanency plan identifies obstacles and barriers to home placement, and establishes a treatment plan designed to help a child return to his or her home as soon as possible. When a return to a child's home of original becomes impossible, adoption or foster care placement are possible alternatives to residential care.
St. Catherine's offers comprehensive homeless and housing services for populations struggling with challenges related to homelessness, including but not limited to poverty, food insecurity, lack of access to health care, substance dependence, and behavioral or mental health problems. The marillac shelter provides for emergency shelter and support services for families. Project host, us hud, pathways to health programs connects individuals or families to stable housing, health care services, counseling, and employment services. Michael's house provides new affordable, supportive housing with an array of wrap around services for individuals or families. Various housing and homeless services reach people in albany, rensselaer, columbia, and schenectady counties.
St. Catherine's r&e may school is a day treatment program that serves elementary school students with behavioral and special education needs that cannot be met in a traditional school setting. Each student entering the program undergoes an individual assessment to determine his or her needs. The r&e may school staff - consisting of special education teachers, mental health professionals, and social workers and clinicians - then develops a comprehensive education plan tailored to meet the needs of each student. The school works closely with the child's family and home school district, helping the student develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to successfully return to a traditional school environment. Revitalization of the r&e may school with increased classrooms operated serving a greater number of Children of special needs.
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