Program areas at St Francis Community Services
Sfcs provides a variety of Services to immigrant individuals and families. 704 immigrants were helped in fy23. Of these, 223 received casemanagement. 120 families from nine countries, including columbia, honduras, venezuela, cuba and haiti, were assisted through abriendo puertas, a program that helps immigrants seeking asylum adjust to their new Community. 99 children and adults received bilingual mental health counseling, while 96 children were served through the bilingual youth after school program and summer program. 166 vietnamese people were served by the elders group and the vietnamese health clinic, enabling 92% of them to live independently.
Pathways to progress, a ccstl-st. Francis Community Services joint program, strengthens families to increase their ability to live safe, productive, sustainable lives; educates and supports families to make effective decisions that positively impact their future; and advocates for systematic and progressive change. This is achieved through long-term (2 to 3 years) personalized case management, legal aid, financial education, employment guidance and access to Services from other ccstl ministries and Community partners. In fiscal year 2023, pathways' two offices served St. louis city (north and south) and north St. louis county. As of june 30, 2023, 66 families were enrolled in the program. Twenty of these families were preparing to graduate, joining the 28 alumnae who successfully completed the program in the past. Since its inception in 2016, pathways to progress has served 162 families with 437 children.
The catholic legal assistance ministry has provided free legal aid in the St. louis area for more than 35 years. The program in fy23 served 1,305 people, including victims of domestic violence, homeless veterans, abused/neglected children and immigrants. Eligible clients must have an annual income of 150% of the federal poverty level or less. Saint louis university law school generously donates office space, computers and supplies to our organization. This ongoing partnership is key to success for our clients. We are also inexpressibly grateful to our team of volunteer attorneys who annually contribute Services valued at more than $300,000, expanding legal aid to our neighbors in need.