Program areas at St John's Ministries
St. John's men's Shelter is a Homeless Shelter of last resort operating from november 1 to april 30 annually. St. John's has never operated with capacity, utilizing off-site overflow when numbers exceeded our building capacity of 84. For individuals with no access to housing due to mental health, chronic health conditions, trauma and addiction, St. John's provides safe Shelter, wraparound support, and case management to help guests work toward self-sufficiency. St. John's sheltered 420 men with 12,726 bed nights. the average nightly number of men sheltered was 72. the men's Shelter has an employment room with 20 beds for men working at least 20 hours per week and a sobriety room with 9 beds for men strongly committed to maintaining their sobriety. St. John's opened a women-specific Shelter of last resort in november 2022. 187 women were sheltered, with 5,642 bed nights. the average nightly number of women sheltered was 32. Many of the women who sought Shelter were fleeing from a domestic violence incident or ongoing abuse. During the season, St. John's provided safe Shelter and wraparound support, including a women's empowerment room with 9 beds for women who desired to embrace a renewed mindset for positive change and have committed to sobriety and managing their mental health. Throughout the year, 213 people volunteered 7,380 hours running programs, engaging with guests and performing other services at both of our shelters. In addition, 17 meal teams provided and served over 18,000 meals. Of the men and women served, 44% reported dealing with some form of mental health, 33% have a chronic health issue, 31% have a physical limitation, 27% reported having a substance abuse issue, 30% have a history of domestic violence, 9% were currently fleeing domestic violence and 13% presented immediately upon leaving an institutional setting. St. John's commitment to supporting the Homeless continued into a summer safe sleep program. This program acted as a support to the most chronic guests and those still needing a safe place to stay beyond the winter Shelter season as they worked towards securing their own housing. Also, during the summer, St. John's operated drop-in days on tuesdays and fridays. Drop-in services provided 3,136 meals, 664 showers, 309 donation requests, 207 loads of laundry, and 43 case management meetings. Also, during the summer, St. John's worked alongside the green bay police and parks departments to enact the engage program at St. John's park. This program saw St. John's staff meeting our most vulnerable population where they were at with case management services, meals and other programs and resources to help those experiencing homelessness get back to self-sufficiency.
Wellspring is a year-round daytime resource center for women. Many of our guests at wellspring have experienced or are experiencing trauma and abuse. During the year, wellspring served 358 women, with over 3,800 visits. the center has a 7-station computer lab and two full-time case managers assisting with services, programs and providing 1-on-1 support to guide women to necessary resources. Case managers provided over 3,000 hours of services and staff and volunteers provided 252 workshops to help guests achieve goals and work toward self-sufficiency. Programs include basic computer training, sober living, building relationships, wellness, and more. Meals are served weekly at wellspring. Breakfast was served 305 times, lunch 187 times and dinner 181 times, providing over 16,000 meals to our guests. Eleven people volunteered 1,150 hours engaging with guests, serving meals, running programs and providing other services to help guests achieve their goals.
the micah center is a year-round daytime resource center for those at-risk or Homeless in the green bay community. the center has three full-time case managers, on-site medical and mental health services, a 20-station computer lab and programming to help with employment and housing applications, budgeting, relationship building and many other topics. This past year approximately 7,920 guest visits were made to utilize services at the micah center. Case managers provided approximately 5,000 hours of services to adults seeking guidance and resources. Staff and volunteers provided programming including positive choices and budgeting and financial literacy to assist guests achieve goals and work toward self-sufficiency. Fourteen people volunteered 2,100 hours serving meals and running programs and providing other services at the micah center. Outreach clinic provided 105 hours of on-site medical services at no cost to our guests. In addition, the joseph project, which is an intensive 4-day employment training course for those at-risk and Homeless, was launched at the micah center 4 times.