Program areas at St Margaret Foundation
The Foundation is a public charity governed by its board of directors and is independent of upmc. A strategic planning process in 2012 resulted in the Foundation's focus for raising and distributing funds in the following key areas at upmc St. Margaret: 1) patient access; 2) patient information and 3) patient experience. St. Margaret Foundation is a two-pronged organization: 1.) Raising funds to help patients in crisis with hope healing and independence; and 2.) Making grants to help facilitate many programs that help patients in today's health care environment many patient needs cannot be met with medicare, medicaid, insurance and self-payment alone. St. Margaret Foundation fundraises for specific areas of need that include: the bed fund which provides underserved patients with medical supplies, transportation to cancer and other treatment, emergency housing, medication, and much more; the oncology fund for patients battling cancer to help with transportation, medication, utility assistance due to loss of wages; the St. Margaret family health centers fund for locations in lawrenceville, bloomfield-garfield, and new kensington which provides underserved patients with immunizations, medications, reach out and read books for children, teddy bear clinic, food vouchers for holiday meals, health fairs, nutrition education and human sexuality education in the inner-city public schools; the employee emergency fund which assists employees of St. Margaret who have experienced a natural disaster or medical emergency. St. Margaret Foundation makes grants to programs that improve the health of the St. Margaret community. Examples include: look good feel better program for cancer patients, free rides for seniors shuttle service, free valet service for seniors and patients with disabilities, free physician lecture programs, paramedic response vehicle to support ems services in the community, education and medication for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes support group.restriction: the patient crisis care endowment serves as an emergency fund for patients who are in need to pay for necessary items/services not covered by insurance or other payors and identified by the upmc St. Margaret social work department. Examples: durable medical equipment, prescriptions, temporary home care, etc. Exclusions are transportation, hospital or doctors' office fees/co-payments. Appropriations of earnings on this endowment fund will be set annually by the board.