Program areas at St Patrick's Center
Nutrition:a) daily meals: nutritionally balanced hot meals are provided sevendays a week to people who visit the Center and are delivered to theinfirm and homebound. This service is critical for the Center and thecommunity it serves. Without these daily meals many seniors would gohungry.b) emergency food assistance: our food closet distributes basic fooditems, three meals a day for three or four days, to individuals orfamilies who lack financial resources to purchase food.
Social & recreational services:a) social: St. partick's is a source of information and referral for people needing assistance in accessing health care, filing taxes, dealing with social security issues, or securing food stamps. Educational sessions on a variety of important topics are also scheduled regularly at the center.b) recreation: at St. Patrick's Center, friends gather in a secure, friendly environment to play cards and other games, solve puzzles, or enjoy television, musical programs, picnics, and other activities. Day trips for recreation and shopping are scheduled regularly.c) empowerment: we direct the programs and services at St. patrick'stoward preventative care and are vitally concerned about reaching out
Transportation:our handicapped-accessible vehicles provide daily shuttle service to and from the Center, deliver meals to the homebound, and transport people to grocery stores and medical and other appointments.
Clothing bank:good-quality secondhand clothing, donated by our supporters, is available for a nominal donation or free to people in dire circumstances.homeless respite services:daytime services are provided on weekdays for people who are homeless. A safe secure environment out of the weather, use of phones, laundry and shower facilities, clothing, information and referral, and otherservices are offered. Over 30 people are served each month.