Program areas at SSTAR
Medical clinic - provides primary healthcare, preventative medicine and education for all individuals starting at infancy on through adulthood.
Lifeline - an outpatient opiod Treatment program of sstar. It assists persons whose lives are disrupted or at serious risk of disruption through the use, abuse or dependency of drugs. It provides outpatient methadone and related services for opiod and narcotic dependency.
Detoxification - provides detoxification and related services aimed at acute biomedical, emotional, and behavioral distress.
Outpatient services - provides individual, family and group Treatment for a wide range of addictions and medical health issues.
Community partners - provides care management and coordination to certain members identified by masshealth, accountable care organizations, and managed care organizations with significant behavioral health needs, including serious mental illness and addiction.
Women in transition - provides services to sexual violence survivors such as individual and group counseling, support groups and legal advocacy, including assistance with pro se documents and accompaniment to various courts.
Project aware - provides a wide range of services including individual and group counseling, assessment and case management to those affected by and/or living with hiv or aids, and other stds.
Pregnant postpartum womens sstar birth residential program - provides long-term residential Treatment programs to pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women with substance use disorders and their children.
Family strengthening - provides evidence-based parenting skills training and various community outreach programs.
Ccbhc expension grant - project funds to establish sstar as a certified community behavioral health clinic.
Driver alcohol education - the goal of the program is to reduce the risk of future drinking and driving incidences through modifying the behavior and attitudes of program participants
Batterers intervention - provides educational groups for batterers and resource information to partners and victims as part of a coordinated community response.
Research projects - medical research studies intend to study and assess the safety and tolerability of drugs in participants subjects.
Community mental health center - grant program intended to help health centers support and restore delivery of clinical services that were impacted by the covid-19 pandemic and effectively address the needs of individuals with serious emotional disturbances and serious mental illness.
Fall river ma first responders comprehensive addiction recovery act grant program - to allow first responders and members of the other key community sectors to administer a drug or device approved or cleared with the federal food drug cosmetic act for efforts to reduce known or suspected opioid overdose.
Parenting support and education