Program areas at Storm Warriors International
Snoopers is a Storm Warriors International children's multimedia development tool funded through designated contributions. During 2013 funds were spent on the creation and maintenance of digital assets in the marketplace. Content was developed for the website and 3 books.
Comback Soldiers was a special mission documentary project that was developed, and additional funding was sought but ultimately failed to secure total funding, so the project was abandoned. Start Warriors devoted funds for acquistion, development and initial production and editing, produced trailers and fundraising tools, flew in talent and interview subjects, and conducted fundraising campaigns for the project.
Storm Warriors International (swi) is a non-profit foundation devotedto: 1) helping deserving non-profits and non-government organizationsto succeed in their missions; and, 2) to inspire lay persons to helpnon-profits help others. Swi accomplishes these two primary objectivesthrough its three umbrella programs, resulting in gifted information,strategies and tools to inspire, inform and mobilize people andresources that include, among other things, volunteerism and financialcontributions to selected non-profit organizations and/or 2021 swi continued creating and making available an additional 60+hours of original, free online educational, informative, strategic andmotivational content to non-profit organizations and lay people thatare interested in and/or involved with, charitable work serving realpeople in real crisis resulting in updated storytelling school forsocial good content and brand new calling all courageous humanitarianempowerment content. Additionally,