Program areas at Stratum
Catalytic funding - the church plant startup grant seeks to strengthen and support new churches as part of catalyzing and fostering a healthy gospel ecosystem in the bay area. This initiative provides financial support to a portfolio of church plants that reflect the diversity of geography, ethnicity, and church-planting models in the bay area. Our matching grants are designed to create a catalyzing opportunity for a church plant to receive significant financial investment. We seek to work in partnership with the existing donors, networks, and organizations to bring needed financial resources to a new church. Since 2019, over 5 million dollars has been donated to new churches through our matching grant program.
Coaching - Stratum coaching is for bay area pastors and church planters. We facilitate small cohorts of leaders that meet together monthly for spiritual formation, practical ministry help, and personal care. The curriculum is designed as a jumping-off point to work through the decisions, challenges, and concerns that leaders are presently facing as people, partners, parents, and planters/pastors. Our coaching cohorts pair 3-6 pastors and church planters with experienced bay area christian leaders. Coaching cohorts meet once a month for a half-day at our office in the retreat-atmosphere of san francisco's presido.
Incubator - the city to city incubator is our one-year training program for pastors who are in the early years of establishing a new church. We provide in-depth, contextualized training, as well as relational support, to help participants establish healthy and effective new churches. Participants in the program learn alongside other leaders of new churches for one day each month, in a retreat-like environment. Incubator is delivered to church planters through local bay area trainers, pastors and leaders with a track record of faithful and fruitful ministry. Since 2018, leaders of 22 new churches have participated in our incubator.