Program areas at Stream Foundation
In 2023 we provided 35 internships to students from underserved communities. These internships were completed by college students from around the country with several leading asset management firms in Austin, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, and New York. Each of our interns was provided at a minimum $10,000 in total compensation via salary from the asset managers and/or scholarship assistance provided by our organization. During 2023, our organization granted $150,213.15 to our 35 interns. We have 41 internships in 2024 and are expanding into even more US cities. During the internships, we host educational events with senior members of the investment community to 1 expand the students' network, 2 provide insights into asset management roles across all segments of the industry and/or 3 discuss experiences senior members working in asset management that are part of these underserved communities have faced and the challenges they have had to navigate. Another service that will be providing under the program is each student will be assigned a mentor from a different asset management firm to further expand his/her network and provide helpful insights and guidance. Our intern alumni have gone on to complete subsequent internships or enter the workforce full-time at reputable organizations such as Aksia, Bank of America, Canyon Partners, Citigroup, Crestline, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Teacher Retirement System of Texas, to name a few. We have assisted in placing them in these roles and will continue to be supportive as each enters the workforce. We have brought awareness to the industry through educational presentations at several colleges, universities, and student organizations since our founding. These presentations were to move forward our cause of educating students from underserved communities about asset management and what our organization was doing to increase the number of roles for people from these communities.
We have begun bringing awareness and educational content to younger students High school through what will become an annual stock challenge. In 2022, we supported students in collaboration with other non-profits including: BigBrother/BigSister Dallas, DISD, Young Women's Preparatory Network, UME Preparatory Academy, and Uplift Education. We have presented to high school students about the industry and hope to create a pipeline of talent that will eventually be attending college and can apply for the aforementioned internship opportunities. We are very excited about the things we are working on and the future growth that we're expecting