Program areas at STS Joachim and Ann Care Service
Housing program - STS Joachim & Ann Care Service provides integrated services such as case management and financial assistance for housing related needs (rent and mortgage assistance,utility assistance, home repairs,emergency shelter, etc.) To individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, who are below 50 percent of the average median income, as defined annually by hud, ultimately to achieve and maintain permanent housing. Specific activities include; case management, in-depth assessments, interventions, and financial assistance.
The children & family development program provides comprehensive case management, tools and services to families with children 18 and under, who are homeless or in crisis, in order to become self-sufficient and remain housed. Services include housing assistance, needs assessments, family goal planning, advocacy on family's behalf with other agencies, referrals for personal and household tangible items and services for individuals who are unemployed or under-employed. In 2023, 519 adults and 623 children in 232 families were served in the cfd program.
Food program - STS Joachim & Ann Care Service provides food sustenance to families and individuals suffering from food insecurity with a focus on eliminating hunger while enhancing the health and nutritional needs of participants. Our food pantry program is part of our integrated Service that allows families with minimal resources to maintain a safe, sanitary, affordable, and secure dwelling. Fuel provisions and auto repairs are provided in cases where needed.
Other programs - the agency also runs several programs including the adopt a family program and the street outreach program that provides assistance to individuals in need in their Service area.