Program areas at Suncoast Hospice
Hospice services - founded by volunteers in 1978, Suncoast Hospice's mission of care focuses on persons with advanced illnesses and extends to those acting as caregivers or working through grief. Suncoast Hospice is recognized nationwide for its innovative service delivery and advocacy for social change. In addition to providing care in private homes, Suncoast Hospice serves those who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities (alfs), hospitals, Suncoast Hospice care centers; or anywhere patients call home. of those who died in pinellas county throughout The year, approximately 53% were served by Suncoast Hospice. Suncoast Hospice serves all people without regard to diagnoses, age, religious, ethnic, sex or financial circumstances. Over $1,181,815 in uncompensated care was provided to individuals and families throughout The year.
Other programs - other important Suncoast Hospice services offered are grief or bereavement support and counseling. While stages of grief have been identified, no two people grieve in exactly The same way or in prescribed time frames. Suncoast Hospice offers grief counseling and support to those it serves in its Hospice programs as well as to The entire community. A special camp for children in grief is offered each year as well as other programs and sessions for youngsters who are trying to come to terms with The death of someone who has been close to them. As testament to its commitment to The pinellas community and The well-being of its citizens, Suncoast Hospice offers education and training on a wide variety of subjects and to varied audiences.
The Suncoast Hospice care centers, also known as inpatient centers, are places of refuge for our patients when they suffer severe pain or experience acute symptoms that cannot be resolved or managed in their own homes. Care with compassion is provided at these three centers. Each Suncoast Hospice care center is staffed by medical teams available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week in settings designed expressly for The comfort and convenience of our patients and their families. Our patients stay in a center until their pain and symptoms are controlled enough to allow them to comfortably return to their residences - their chosen activities - their lives. Each center has its own distinct environment and setting, but shares a common goal of creating a sense of comfort, peace, and tranquility.